It’s well-established that writing effective online content isn’t just about avoiding those dreaded spelling and grammatical errors and referring to your product or service every so often.

That’s because it’s also about crafting content that genuinely makes people care about you, your business and what you have to say. That can be a difficult thing to pull off at the best of times.

Here are three tips with which your content writers can come up with more inspirational copy.

Do more research than you ‘need’ to do… a lot more

The great copywriters and advertisers of our time have frequently spoken of the value of research. Just look to David Ogilvy, for example, the Father of Advertising who urged writers to “stuff your conscious mind with information” so that they had plenty to work with.

Another fabled copywriter, Gary Bencivenga, recalled the advice given to him by fellow famous copywriter John Caples to “gather seven times more interesting information than I could possibly use… research is the infallible cure for writer’s block.”

Give visual appeal to your copy

There are many more ways than you might think to make a bunch of words inviting to the eye. You could use bulleted or numbered lists, shorten your paragraphs, incorporate well-chosen headings and subheadings and opt for a font that is easy on the eyes and big enough to read.

Visual cues, like arrows pointing to a form that you wish your visitors to complete and submit, can also be invaluable. Remember, after all, that if your copy is more attractive, it will be read more often and thereby sharedmore often.

Back up your claims

Trust and credibility are so important for getting those who read your content to take what you say seriously. While, if you are a small business, you can’t fall back on a recognisable household-name brand, even the most sceptical readers can be won over with actual proof of your claims.

So whatever relevant facts, statistics, testimonials, case studies and success stories you can include in that web copy or blog – include them. Even those who agree with you will be made even more confident in investing in your products or services when they see solid backing for your statements.

Here at Jumping Spider Media, we really do believe in putting these principles into practice, as part of our wider philosophy that “content is king”. Why not enquire now about our proven copywriting services?