One of the most obvious and common reasons why anyone might fire up Google or another search engine, and perform a search, is because they are unsure how to do something. They know that they need to perform a certain task, and the reasons this task must be done… however, the specific steps involved in accomplishing that task might not seem clear to them.

If this sounds like a situation you have previously been in, you will know something about the crucial role “how to” articles play for many online searchers.

You might, then, have decided it would be a good idea to write some “how to” content for your brand’s website or blog, not least because (a) it would genuinely help your business’s target audiences, and (b) this, in turn, would help build up the reputation of your brand as a go-to “authority” in its field.

But this is where we get to the “how to” of writing about “how to”. Below, we have set out three tips to assist you when writing your brand’s next “how to” article.

Adopt a ‘teaching’ mindset, not just an ‘informational’ one

What is the importance of this distinction when you are putting together a “how to” article?

Well, it’s simple, really. If a particular online user wants to know how to do something, they won’t be looking for the same regurgitated information they might have already come across elsewhere.

This means, in the writing of your “how to” piece, you will need to be absolutely clear about what you are teaching your reader to do – and what they should be able to do, once they have finished reading.

That, in turn, means you will need to be clear, logical, and detailed in the instructions you provide. It will also mean “putting yourself in the shoes” of the reader.

After all, certain things about the topic might seem clear and obvious to you as an established professional in your field, but they might be less than clear and obvious to someone who is a complete beginner in the given topic.

So, you will need to research and consider what questions such beginners are likely to have, when it comes to the subject in which you are an expert.

Swerve clear of industry jargon or technical terms

We’ve probably all had that experience from time to time of reading a “how to” article online, or even a physical user manual, and having to constantly look up the meaning of a specialised term that pops up.

So, when writing a “how to” guide, you should be very careful to avoid lapsing into the “industry speak” that you may be used to from communicating with fellow experts in the given subject.

You won’t want your readers to be deterred, or to feel lost, from practically the very first paragraph of your “how-to” article.

And yes, there may be a need for you to introduce certain “jargon” in order to explain certain concepts. But when you do so, you should make sure you explain this clearly, in a way that an ordinary person from outside your industry will be able to easily understand.

Put your brand’s distinctive angle on the given topic

You might know that you wish to put together a “how to” guide on a particular subject, but when you Google the title you intend to use, a lot of similar articles might already spring up.

So, would you be wasting your time by writing yet another “how to” piece on this topic? If you go ahead with it, will you inevitably just end up saying all the same things the existing guides say?

Our answer to both of those questions is: no, not necessarily.

It can absolutely help, though, if you have your own unique angle and expertise to bring to the specific topic. Maybe there are certain things you know from your own first-hand experience as a professional in this field, or perhaps you have a useful and relevant anecdote you could share?

Your combination of industry experience and knowhow will be unique to you. So, if you can bring this to your “how to” content in ways that are compelling for your readers, it could really help elevate the gravitas of your guidance.

There you go – what we hope will be some very useful “how tos” to help you with your brand’s “how to” articles!

To learn more about how our team at Jumping Spider Media could assist you more directly, including through our renowned content writing services, please don’t hesitate to email or phone us today.