There can be little doubt about the continued power and relevance of Google Ads – the search titan’s online advertising platform – for businesses of all manner of sectors, sizes, and levels of ambition.

What is equally certain, however, is that the “world” of Google Ads is an exceedingly fast-moving one. There are constantly new updates and features coming on stream for the ever-popular service. This, in turn, can make it tricky for marketers to judge whether what might have worked a few months ago or a year ago, is what they should still be doing now.

With automation playing an increasingly prominent part in how platforms like Google Ads work and deliver their results, you are likely to appreciate some advice on what strategies you should now be using for your Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns.

So, for today’s blog post, we decided to put the spotlight on just three possible strategic paths.

Keep a lid on those runaway CPCs

By “CPC” we are, of course, referring to “cost per click”, a term used for the model whereby a brand using Google Ads pays for each click it receives on its ads.

But it can also be very easy for CPCs to end up spiralling beyond the given brand’s budget. The good news is that you can set a minimum and maximum bid for any automated strategy that you draw upon in your use of Google Ads, which can help ensure your budget isn’t rapidly obliterated.

Use predictive audiences in Google Analytics 4

Depending on your level of knowledge and engagement with the digital marketing world, you might have heard of a little something called “GA4” – in other words, Google Analytics 4.

GA4 is a renowned analytics service – from Google itself – that allows for traffic and engagement to be measured across websites and apps. But for the purposes of this tip, we’re zooming in on just one feature, known as “predictive audiences”.

It’s an excellent feature for helping you to figure out which users are likely to carry out specific actions in the future. It can assist you in determining which audiences have a high chance of engaging with your brand’s marketing, and which ones are unlikely to make repeat visits to your website.

These are the kinds of insights that brands used to spend immense amounts of money trying to uncover. But with predictive audiences in GA4, you can gain access to them for nothing.

Give Google the best-quality data

As we touched on above, automation is becoming one of the watchwords of online marketing today, and it is certainly playing a profound role in Google Ads as it is in 2023.

But as it stands, even the extremely capable machines running your paid search campaigns still need to be fed optimal-quality data if they are to achieve their best results.

The good news is, there are various tools within Google Ads that can make this process a lot easier for you. You might turn to the “enhanced conversions” feature, for example, as a means of improving the accuracy of your conversion measurement and making more potent bids possible.

Or you could make the most of the option to import business data into Google Analytics – which means your Google Ads campaigns could benefit. Subsequently equipped with a greater amount of data, the machines will be in a better position to optimise effectively.

There is unquestionably a huge amount to get to grips with when it comes to Google Ads and paid search marketing. So, we can understand you feeling a little bewildered as you contemplate and compare the possible paths for your brand.

Why not, then, reach out to our highly capable and proven PPC staff here at Jumping Spider Media, who will be able to help you achieve great outcomes from your Google Ads campaigns? It’s a quick and easy process to contact us via phone or email.